The NHS Long Term Plan tackles big questions over health inequalities, funding, staffing and increasing pressures from an ageing population to support the development of our world-class health service.

With our industry-leading solutions, including Docmail hybrid mail, e-delivery platforms, e-link and inbound and outbound management, you are able to drive engagement, with a patient-centric approach that will deliver improved outcomes.

NHS Long Term Plan


The right communication can drive engagement, reduce DNA’s and improve patient care. It’s about informing patient choice, support and education to ensure care is delivered in the right place, at the right time.

Choosing the right channel for engagement can be challenging. But by including personalised letters that are patient-centered you benefit from improved channel engagement by delivering communications that are proven to elicit a response.

As industry experts, we already support over 4,000 NHS organisations with the sending of informative letters, through our Docmail hybrid mail solution. We are the approved, trusted partner sending over 10 million mail packs each year.

GP Surgeries

100% of NHS mail is read

NHS Trusts

79% of NHS mail lives in the home more than 28 days

Social Care

49% of NHS mail is discussed with someone


Communication is no longer one size fits all. Delivering the right communication, at the right time can drive the engagement needed to inspire action.

Together we can deliver accessible and inclusive communications including large print, braille, translation services and audio recordings through a blend of digital and physical channels. We can support you in tackling health inequalities, share preventative information to support a healthier population, reach those who are vulnerable and level up health provisions with effective communications.

We can help identify your audience segments and create communications that drive the best response. We’ll monitor, we’ll track and we’ll optimise so that you continuously adapt to patient preferences to drive engagement whilst working in a streamlined, cost-effective way.


Partnering with us offers improved processes through streamlined functionality, the ability to pre-schedule mailings and reduce administrative pressures in an already busy environment. Enabling you to re-allocate resources to other areas, reduce operational costs, remove strain, and support your staff with optimised solutions for everyday administrative processes.

Our impressive product portfolio offers flexibility in communication management and provides the ability to streamline digital and physical communication channels, offering improved efficiencies and impressive time savings that can be reinvested into frontline care and improving outcomes.

CFH streamlined processes


We understand that the future of the NHS has digital at the very heart of it.

Part of the NHS Long Term Plan is to invest in digital transformation. Our postal communication solution Docmail is compatible with both Optum (formerly known as EMIS) and SystemOne, supporting the digitalisation of postal communications whilst our Dotpost and CFH E-link solutions support that online transition. Not only digitally enabling communications for the patient, but the processes in which they are sent.

We remove administrative processes, by aligning our products to seamlessly update digital patient records so that each communication you send is tracked and managed in a secure environment.

Population Health Management

From immunization letters, appointment reminders, health promotional materials and preventive care information the power of effective communication has no boundaries.

Through our expertise we can help engage your patients, but also educate them helping you inform different patient demographics and work towards a healthier and happier population.

Accredited NHS Supplier

Our partnership provides the comfort of knowing your organisation is supported by industry-leading security standards, accreditations and best practice including ISO 27001 and 9001, Cyber Essentials, Cyber Essentials Plus, Data Security and Information Toolkit Standards Exceeded for over 10 years and approved suppliers on a number of frameworks including HealthTrust Europe the NHS SBS and Local Assurance Framework. All data processed never leaves the UK, with secure onsite servers – with CFH you know your data is in safe hands.

Our goal is to support you in the sending of the right communication, work within your budgets and drive healthcare initiatives whilst improving your efficiencies and the level-up healthcare provisions.


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