Blaby District Council

CFH Print UK Elections Case Study

Partnering together for over 11 years, Blaby Council knew they could rely on their specialist print provider CFH Print UK to ensure that the 2024 general election process was seamless and error free.

elections postal vote
180,800 documents
elections poll card
78,000 poll cards
elections ballot paper
89,000 ballot papers
Community A Icon
Over 75,000 residents
Training And Support Icon
Trusted expertise
Business Service Icon
Managed service
Our Promise Icon
11-year partnership
Hybrid Communications Icon
Docmail hybrid mail

The brief

Based in Southwest Leicestershire, Blaby District Council are responsible for delivering election services to an electorate of over 75,000 people. Organising successful election campaigns, a team of three election experts oversee the whole process from start to finish. The team are responsible for ensuring that there is a high level of consistent output that not only engages their electorate but hits their deadlines without errors. 

Working together in May to deliver local election services, CFH Print UK and Blaby Council were ready to transition straight into the general election.

With a 11-year partnership on their side, they knew that the process would deliver upon their requirements, with an effective team on hand to support them. 

The solution

With the general election being called on the 22nd May 2024, the CFH Print UK teams were already prepared to deliver a snap election in the 6-week turnaround required. Having pre-purchased paper stock, a detailed plan in place to support over 40 councils and dedicated account managers assigned to the CFH team were ready.

Having an already mutual understanding built upon a strong foundation of trust, meant that CFH Print UK were able to be forward-thinking in their approach in supporting Blaby. With a sense of prioritisation and immediacy, informed decisions were easy to be agreed and a time scale was drawn together. Having one key contact for the process, meant that Blaby knew where everything was at any one time and knew who to contact when they had any questions.

CFH’s managed service solution was the offering that would be utilised. The solution provides councils with an IT led digital print solution that empowers councils to send communications on time, from a secure production facility.

The process

After completing a detailed questionnaire, Blaby Council’s general election requirements were captured ready for scoping. The questionnaire obtains their electoral print requirements including quantities, stock types, paper colour and deadlines, acting as one clarified source of their print scope. 

Once printing requirements and timescales were agreed upon and an order confirmation was issued, CFH worked around the clock to fulfil the order. This includes providing digital print proofs for checking before the printing takes place in CFH’s secure print facility. Digital print proofs are provided, so that any errors can be identified, and changes can be made before the print run is completed.

The one-piece mailer for Blaby was a great success once again, providing their electorate with everything they needed for the upcoming election in an easy-to-digest format. This format is ‘the best type of all-in-one pack’ for the electorate and is recognised as an effective tool for the council to utilise.

The final part of the process is the on-site checks that take place, before final mile delivery occurs. The one-site checks are a vital part of the process which provides an opportunity for due diligence and printed proofing to take place. Blaby commented they would not work with a supplier who did not offer this key element.

In addition, Blaby’s election team utilises Docmail hybrid mail, CFH’s leading online print and mail solution. The solution is used regularly to send and manage Invitations to Register – an A3 document to capture electorate details. The system provides an easy-to-use method of managing this communication process and is supported by a dedicated support team. Docmail is the only hybrid mail solution that offers an A3 print-on-demand functionality and supports election teams with their print requirements. 

The results

Within the 6-week turnaround, the whole process was completed accurately and on time to successfully deliver Blaby Council's electoral documents. The team at CFH Print UK were responsive, knowledgeable and reliable, ensuring the whole process was smooth from start to finish. Blaby commented on how ‘fabulous’ the team were, who they see as a department extension rather than a print provider.

Through the trusted partnership, a proactive and reactive approach has been adopted, making sure that any errors are identified and amended when necessary, and everything meets the quality and deadline requirements needed for election documents.

The knowledge and expertise that CFH Print UK provide, makes the whole process that little bit easier and provides peace of mind that everything will be done right.

Having a reliable and trusted partner for election print services is in the top three requirements of the electoral team for Blaby along with staffing and postage option availability, which CFH provide along with their delivery partner Royal Mail.

In total CFH Print UK supplied 180,800 documents on behalf of Blaby during the general election, with 13,800 of these being postal vote packs, 78,000 being poll cards and 89,000 being ballot papers. In total, during 2024 CFH has so far supplied over 364,000 electoral documents on behalf Blaby District Council.

With an already positive journey behind the two organisations, they look forward to working on further projects in the future. 

CFH Print UK has always provided us with a high-quality service that we can trust. The snap general election brought with it many unknowns and challenges, but one thing we could rely on was a consistent and reliable printing service. Trusting in the knowledge that Caroline, Nicki and the team would be on hand with their usual commitment and expertise allowed us to focus on the other elements of running an election, this reassured us that our printing needs would be met. The strong relationship we have formed with the team is invaluable to us and I would always recommend CFH Print UK for all election related services.

Elections & Governance Manager,
Blaby District Council

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